fasciapulsology (1)




Florence Augendre / les ballets C de la B

As she did in May, Florence Augendre will guide you in a workshop based on BMC (Body-Mind Centering) and Fasciapulsology. This workshop is meant for beginners interested in BMC as well as for experts who like to entertain their skills.

The Body is made of an infinite complexity. At the same time, it has an incredible ability to coordinate itself, so that we can act and react spontaneously to situations with alertness. In this workshop, we will use the morning sessions to get familiar with some of the anatomical terminology and the practice of mapping, so that we can employ physical movement and various qualities of presence to bring that knowledge to an understanding through proprioceptive experience. This method is inspired by the works of Body-Mind Centering (c) founded by Bonnie Bainbridge- Cohen and Fasciapulsology developed by Christian Carini. During the afternoon sessions, we will bridge the morning experience and explore how through movement we can relate to gesture, music and phrasing in order to construct together a consciousness and sense of architecture, in space and time. Using spontaneous composition to invest our relation to each other and to the other(s) within space.

Between 1991 en 2004 Florence Augendre studied Body-Mind Centering (BMC) with Vera Orlock. She also encountered and studied with Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen on a couple of special occasions. During the nineties she has participated intensively some workshops with Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson and Nancy Stark-Smith, whose work has been highly influenced by the research of Cohen. Augendre as a performer uses BMC as a practice to train herself and to get "connected" before going on stage. On an artistic level, BMC provides the knowledge, the imaginary and the body qualities that enable her to define, enwind and bridge metaphors into framed performances.

Besides, Florence is certificated in Fasciapulsology from the school of Christian Carini. Florence Augendre studied ballet, African dance, tap dance and modern jazz and got hooked very quickly by professional activities in the field of theater, opera, cinema, contemporary dance and fine- arts. She has made a practice of engaging in any creative process, a touch that is profoundly rooted by the skills and the culture of the body and its dance. She has worked with theater directors Louis and Xavier Bachelot, choreographers Pascale Houbin, François Raffinot, Wes Howard, Andrew Degroat, Thierry Guedj, Christophe Haleb, Wim Vandekeybus, Meg Stuart, David Hernandez, Austrian - German group Labor GRAS, Johanne Saunier/Jim Clayburgh, Brice Leroux, Lance Gries (N.Y.), Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson, Riina Saastamoinen, Alexander Baervoets, Label Cedana, Olga de Soto, Fabrice Ramalingom, and Koen Augustijnen. Lately Florence Augendre gave workshops at Cie. Félicette Chazerand, Rosas & PARTS, SEAD (Salzburg Experiment Academy of Dance) and les ballets C de la B.



Cap Vermell c/ Cala Agulla. http://www.panoramio.com/photo/35348187


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