festival De Tuin der Lusten stops
Dear all,
The association of the festival De Tuin der Lusten decided to cancel the festival De Tuin der Lusten. The regional government no longer supports the festival. We are grateful that we could organise 9 beautiful events on 9 beautiful private estates. It was great to combine seemingly incompatible energies and to halt the moving artists for a moment in front of our extremely diverse audiences. A huge `thank you` to our team, the board, the landowners, the artists, the sponsors and the audiences.
In behalve of all the beautycausers
Casper de Vries
thanks to the organizers , Casper De Vries and Léonie Dijkema , I hope this festival will continue
So It was a festival full of encounters his disappearance is incomprehensible as to its organization and as always with return. I hope this does not contaminate other locations transmission of emotion knowledge and culture. He still wanted to be one of the few cultural sites to submit emergentes people away from a programming agreement day scenes. I was fortunate to meet a brilliant choreographer Satya Roosens and dancers Mirte Courtens Jochum De Boer, clowns, musicians and other equally talented practitioners. So it seems important that everyone who experienced or not this festival takes a look at the festival web site and sends an email of support.