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Massachusetts Dance Festival (http:www.massdancefestival) is again creating dances across the state in 2012, on June 23rd and 24th @ Boston University Dance Theatre, 915 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA, 02215, and again September 22nd and 23rd, at UMass Amherst  Bowker Auditorium, Amherst, MA, 01003. 

Saturday evenings @ 8:00 pm MDF presents 12 professional companies based in Massachusetts, for a multi-cultural, multi-genre sensory spectacular!  Sunday afternoons @ 4:00 pm present 12 emergent dance companies, also showcasing the widest variety of high level entertainment from youth groups across the state.  Admission: $25 Sat nites, $15 Sun afternoons, with BDA, senior and youth discounts.  All tickets are $5 off when ordered in advance, online.

Our Mission:

Massachusetts Dance Festival believes that dance, as a major component of arts and culture, is essential to meaningful lives and healthy communities.

Dance and arts education contribute to quality life in the 21st Century by providing rich education for youth and promoting cultural understanding and tolerance, within diverse communities.

MDF offers annual statewide education workshops and performances that are inclusive of all dance genres.  Our festivals provide opportunities for professional and emergent dancers and choreographers, while inspiring community-wide involvement.

MDF seeks to raise the profile of dance as a profession in Massachusetts, as a means to stimulate social and cultural development across our state.


Help us create enlivened communities! Call today: (781) 6086084; (508) 429-7577

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