sessions (4)

Geneva Sessions made in Yokohama

This year, Geneva Sessions 10 made in Yokohama (Japan) will take place from September 11th till 15th, 2010 at Zou-No-Hana Terrace – Yokohama.

On the theme "Body Motion / Camera Motion", the workshop will be led by Gilles Jobin, with the participation of Cristian Vogel (composer), Susana Panadès Diaz &Isabelle Rigat (dancers of the Cie).

info in japanese:

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Trouvez plus de vidéos comme celle-ci sur GENEVA DANCE TRAINING
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have you sign it to our social network? Time to do it now.... FRAME: Training/learning Communicated Technological spaces/designed and engineered Mediated? Mapping Movement/motion Systems Input out puts Change cause and effect Control What is NEW? New steps? what is dance anyway? Leon Theremin David Rockeby Troika Ranch (MIDI Dancer) Palindrome Intermedia Group Gideon Obarzanek Hiroaki Umeda Bebe Miller Lisa Nelson Synchronous Objects/William Forsythe Blast Theory Builders Association Rachid Ouramdane Jeannete Ginslov Gilles Jobin and Vincent Pluss La Jetee/Chriss Markers We Feel Fine Aserty Dances Improv Everywhere Leave Britney alone! OK Go Human Browser Project 52 Nine Inches Nails Technological Mediation Automation (agency) Recording (register) Simulation (as if....) Transmission (space) Interactive control (alternative interfacing) Interactivity Virtuality (worlds and bodies) Interactive control/ games Coordination of actions/mobs Re-sampling Presence, Telepresence, co presence STORY and META SOCIAL IMAGINARY The thing, about the thing and that other thing STORYTELLING Explicit intention of: Reflexive Living: time based process Synchronous and asynchronous Creative engagement Collaborative creativity... Affords: Shifts in Time/pace Seriality Space/site mixed How we are going to work: -Collaboratively. -Sharing knowledge. -Sharing media. -Using what we have, who we are and what we know with our limitations. Group Project A PROTOTYPE Exploring: -Performance Spaces /technologically enhanced -On registering and recomposing -New capture delivery systems (alternative cameras) -New internet spaces and what they afford -Share process/digital multimedia documentation -Hybrid stories: the outcomes and process -Social mediation: Spontaneous gathering lifting media from the field: what is happening ? who is around me ? what is their story? in video, short video interviews? So you will be generating a project and its own on-line documentation/experience/process People: guest teachers, participants L'Arsenic Spaces 3 cameras, light kits Online platforms Geneva Sessions Social Network Blogs, online video platforms: You Tube Vimeo Seissmic UStream/LIVEStream (dance-techTV) So: Start gathering media/try things Explore the space Produce a video interview: 3 minutes max. Interview another participant: everybody has to be interviewed and has to interview someone else. Capture, edit export and upload it to Geneva dance training using basic software: Imovie (mac) or moviemaker (PC). You can also use webcams with software or with web based platforms such as You tube. Then upload the video in the Geneva Sessions network: If using software: export video as h264 and no bigger than 640X480 4X3 or 16x9 extension: .mov Some logistics: Space schedule: from 10 to 8 pm (spaces available for work) Tuesday 6th: 12:00pm: Follow up on assignment and coaching/issues Start/session: Intro to Real time Processing with MAXMSPJitter Lunch Break: 1:30 to 2:30pm 2:30-5:30pm: Continuation of Intro to Real time Processing with MAXMSPJitter. 6:00 to 6:45pm: Live broadcasting Demo (before the talk) From Wednesday to Friday: 12:00pm to 6:00pm Introduction to Motion Tracking with Robert Wechsler
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I am will be leading a workshop in Geneva. More info here Arsenic – Lausanne - Switzerland from 8th to 19th juin 2009

Image/Motion : New Mediation of the Performance of Motion an interdisciplinary workshop by Marlon Barrios Solano

Guest of honor : Bernado Guiamba and Benedito Cossa, dancers and choreographers, Cie Esculturas Humanas based in Maputo, Mozambic.

In this workshop we will survey and explore the impact of recent developments of new digital technologies on the performance of movement, choreography and image construction within multimedia systems for performances or installations. We will investigate the coupling of movement and image and the creative/aesthetics potential of working with real-time interactive software, portable devices and the www.

Geared to professional dancers, choreographers, filmmakers and interdisciplinary artists teams, an emphasis will be on collaborative experimentation on the prototyping of multimedia works exploring the intersection of image and movement production and mediation. Main language of workshop : english

The workshop includes a technical class (dancers only) every morning from 10AM to 11:30PM. From 8th to 12th of June, i twill be directed by Banu Ogan and from 15th to 19th of June by Gilles Jobin.

Geneva Sessions 2009 is organized by Cie Gilles Jobin with the support of Arsenic-Lausanne, Pro Helvetia-Cape Town, La Loterie Romande, Association Vaudoise de Danse Contemporaine, le Fonds de Formation Professionnelle et Continue Genève and les Rencontres Professionnelles de danses – Genève.

GENEVA SESSIONS 09 MADE IN LAUSANNE Arsenic – Lausanne - Suisse du 8 au 19 juin 2009 Image/Mouvement : Nouvelles relations 
un workshop interdisciplinaire dirigé par Marlon Barrios Solano. Invités d’honneur : Bernado Guiamba et Benedito Cossa, chorégraphes, Cie Esculturas Humanas basée à Maputo, Mozambique Nous travaillerons sur l’impact des récents développements des nouvelles technologies numériques sur le mouvement et la chorégraphie, ainsi que sur la construction d’images dans les systèmes multimédias pour les performances et installations. Nous ciblerons notre recherche sur les liens entre le mouvement et l’image, ainsi que sur le potentiel artistique et esthétique des logiciels interactifs en temps réel, des dispositifs portables et du web. Voir dossier complet ci-dessous. Destiné aux danseurs, chorégraphes, cinéastes et équipes artistiques interdisciplinaires, l’accent sera mis sur l’expérimentation de prototypes multimédia explorant les correspondances entre l’image, la production de mouvement et la médiation. Langue principale du workshop : anglais. Le work shop comprend une classe technique réservée aux danseurs tous les matins de 10h à 11h30. Elle est dirigée du 8 au 12 juin par Banu Ogan et du 15 au 19 juin par Gilles Jobin. Formulaire d’inscription (voir ci-dessous) à retourner d’ici au 11 mai 2009 à Confirmation des sélections le 15 mai 2009. Geneva Sessions 2009 est organisé par la Cie Gilles Jobin avec le soutien de l’Arsenic-Lausanne, Pro Helvetia-Cape Town, La Loterie Romande, l’Association Vaudoise de Danse Contemporaine, le Fonds de Formation Professionnelle et Continue de l’Etat de Genève et les Rencontres Professionnelles de danses - Genève.
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