Meta-academy invites you to engage online with three international dance festivals this summer- Taking Place (July 1-13 in Columbus, OH, USA), Impulstanz (July 21 -August 18 in Vienna, Austria), and Bates Dance Festival (July 21-August 11 in Lewiston, ME, USA). We will also be participating in IDOCDE international symposium on contemporary dance education (August 1-3 in Vienna Austria)
Dance festivals create intimate, hyperlocal communities where dancers exchange creative processes, pedagogies, finished work, and ideas. Now Meta-academy connects these communities to each other, and opens them to YOU at HOME or on the road.
choreographic knowledge, creative process, methodologies, ideas, influences, relevance, trends...stories
Starting with artists from Taking Place: K.J. Holmes (NYC), Peter Kyle (NYC), CoCo Loupe (Baton Rouge),Bebe Miller (Columbus), and Claire Porter (NYC)
Much more...
teach me (not)!
01 - 03 August 2014
IDOCDE (International Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education) organises the 2nd IDOCDE SYMPOSIUM on contemporary dance and its teaching methods at the ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival 2014.
teach me (not)!
There are many ways information is being relayed in contemporary dance education settings. Questions around the roles of the dance teacher, the learner and the material arise once opening the thoughts towards this process.
Themed „teach me (not)!“, the 2nd IDOCDE Symposium thus aims to investigate horizontal - or non-hierarchical - learning, use of language and current practices in contemporary dance education and related fields and to look further into the question: How do we teach?
The symposium welcomes everyone interested in contemporary dance and related fields and invites to share teaching practices, questions & ideas around the current teaching of the art form.
It’s free and open. All you need is an internet connection and a few hours per week. You determine your level of involvement.
Facilitated by Marlon Barrios Solano, Rachel Boggia and Josephine Dorado.
Here’s what we’ll do:
1. Share creative and critical perspectives. Select choreographers, improvisors, theorists, and pedagogues from the festivals will upload videos of their process, engage in interviews, and participate in google+ hangouts with other artists and members of the Meta-academy community (the first 5 to join the hangout).
2. Move together online. Join a google+ hangout and experiment with dance professionals as they try translating their creative practices to the online space.
3. Create internet-specific work. You’ll be instructed on using some of the best online (free) creative tools to create your own internet-based videos, word clouds, mashups, and more.
4. Join a global community of dancers. When you’re making, talking and learning together, chances are you’ll make friends.
Here’s how you join.
Create a user profile on and join the meta-academy group
You’ll get an email with further instructions on how to join our google+ circle so that you can participate in hangouts. You will need to have a Google Plus account.
Article about my work and meta-academy by Lisa Kraus on
Lisa Para (NYC) and Daniel Pinheiro (Lisbon) in collaboration during meta-academy@Bates 2013