Festivals (3)

 Apps4festivals is conceived as a sustainable model for development of  mobile apps for art festivals and cultural events.

A mobile app was developed for ImPulsTanz 2014- 2015 (Vienna, Austria)  and Tanz Im August 2014-2015 (Berlin, Germany) with features specially geared to facilitate an  effective event guide, audience engagement  and community interaction around the festival activities.

The app is customizable to showcase the events with rich multimedia features, adaptive event branding, personalized events calendars, interactive geolocated maps, push notification, content management system, comprehensive stats and in app social networking spaces.The app connects with main social media platforms.

The support from ImPulstanz Festival 2014/15  and Tanz Im August 2014/15 have been crucial for the research and development of the scaffolding, framework and  suitable design for complex events that combine performances, workshops, master classes and spacial formats.

After these two prototypes, the app is available to other events for further usage and development for a sustainable fee to cover the specific customizations and content management for the new event.

The dance-tech apps4estivals is a project conceived by Marlon Barrios Solano.

Marlon Barrios Solano

These are the app's main features:

  • Push notifications: real time updates about events, news and specials
  • Home page with information about the festival.
  • Festival event and artists pages.
  • Add the events to your mobile phone calendar.
  • Share items and texts in Facebook, Twitter and email.
  • Locate events venues in interactive live map and get directions on the map app.
  • Create a personalized calendar with your events. Mark events as favorites.
  • Create a brief profile.
  • Shout or post images and texts via the app, creating a collective stream of news.
  • Check in places and festival venues.
  • Direct feedback and reviews: post and share comments on each event pages, performances, workshops and parties.
  • Explore the festival social media outlets: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.
  • Watch video collection relevant to the festival.
  • Execute in app point based loyalty campaigns.
  • In app QR code scanner!

Thanks to ImPulsTanz and Tanz Im August!

Now, let's take in on TOUR!





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Breve CV. Alejandra Ceriani.

12249547093?profile=originalGraduada en la Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Profesora en Artes Plásticas orientación Pintura y Cerámica; Licenciada con orientación Pintura y Cerámica; y Magíster en Estética y Teoría de las Artes.

Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos cátedra de Didáctica y Práctica de la Enseñanza, y en Dibujo I y II, FBA, UNLP. Coordinadora de Educación Artística, Dirección de Gestión Curricular y Formación Docente de la Nación.

Instigadora categorizada III y becada por la UNLP, para el estudio de las interrelaciones entre las disciplinas del cuerpo  y el espacio escénico.

Especialista en performance interactivas en tiempo real. Trabaja en instalaciones interactivas con captura óptica de movimiento, en dos obras:

Proyecto Hoseo de su autoria: Invitada a Cuerpo Digital, Festival Internacional de Videodanza, Cuerpo y Nuevas Tecnologías, Cochabamba, BOLIVIA, Octubre  2010. FIVU 09, Uruguay, Centro Cultural España en Montevideo, http://www.cce.org.uy. Fase 1 Expo-Trastiendas mayo 2009,  Curadora: Graciela Taquini. Proyecto en representación de la FBA, UNLP. http://www.fase1encuentro.blogspot.com; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo 2009(Salta): Diálogos Montevideo 2008 /; Interfase, Cuerpo Y Nuevas Tecnologías, Santiago, Chile, octubre 2007; Festival de Arte Contemporáneo AONI, Viedma, Río Negro, Argentina, Diciembre 2010; Seminario POETICAS TECNOLÓGICAS MAPAD2, Directora Ivanni Santana, Salvador de Bahía, Brasil. Noviembre del 2010 y 2011.


Proyecto Speak junto al artista sonoro y músico programador Fabian Kesler <www.fabiankesler.com.ar>  y el creador del software MOLDEO <www.moldeo.org> programador de video e imagen Fabricio Costa. Invitados la Intervención “El insomnio de los monumentos”, instalación de Norberto Laino, Hall Central Carlos Morel del Teatro San Martín;  al Festival Internacional de Videodanza del Uruguay FIVU, Octubre 2011, Montevideo Uruguay, http://www.fivu.org/; NHT. Septiembre 2011, C C. Recoleta, http://www.iuna.edu.ar/wordpress-2/?cat=10; VIII Festival de Nuevas Tendencias LA MENAGE, Teatro Real, Agosto 2011, Córdoba http://lamenagefestival.blogspot.com/p/programacion-2011.html; Ciclo La Plata Arde, plataforma para artistas locales, Teatro Argentino de La Plata, Sala TACEC, julio 2011, La Plata, http://www.teatroargentino.gba.gov.ar/2011/tacec2011/la_plata_arde.html.


Trabajos de Video Danza con el Proyecto Webcamdanza: exploración desde las posibilidades técnico-expresivas con la cámara Web, en donde indaga sobre esta relación entre cuerpo y dispositivo a través de la creación de “piezas audiovisuales”. Participa de ponencias y publicaciones en diversos medios en Internet y en papel:http://territorioteatral.org.ar/html.2/dossier/pdf/n5_02.pdf ; “Terpsícore en ceros y unos. Ensayos de Videodanza”; editorial Guadalquivir Festival Internacional VideoDanzaBA; Compilación: Silvina Szperling; ISBN: 9789872213879  “Estudios sobre Danza en la Universidad”, Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Compilación: Lic. Diego Carrera. 2009. ISBN 978-9974-0-6-0605-8,  http://cuerpoytecnologia.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/estudios-sobre-danza-en-la-universidad.pdf.

“Pensar La Videodanza”, I Simposio Internacional de Videodanza “Espacio del cuerpo y de la imagen en la video danza” PG: 76 a 93; http://www.videodanzaba.com.ar. Danzanet Argentina es la revista de Danza Contemporánea. Red Escena Virtual. http://www.danzanet.com.ar/


Dicto talleres: Taller de Vídeo Danza dentro del marco del FIVU09 http://www.cce.org.uy ; “Taller /  Producción / Video Danza A Partir De Tecnología Low-Tech”  Biblioteca Nacional, Sala Cortazar. http://www.VideoDanzaBA.com.ar ; “Realización de una pieza de videodanza-Proyecto WEBCAMDANZA” en Cuerpo Digital, Festival Internacional de Videodanza, Cuerpo y Nuevas Tecnologías, Escuela de cine La Fabrica, Cochabamba, Bolivia, Octubre 2010.


Convocada por los directores Marcelo Delgado y Emilio García Wehbi para “El Matadero. Un Comentario”. Obra dramático-musical. CCR. Rojas, 2009; Ver publicación Libros del Rojas, UBA, ISBN 978-987-1075-90-4. Convocada por los directores de El Periférico de Objetos, D. Veronese y E.G. Wehbi, para la realización de la obra “El Suicidio Apócrifo I”, 2002-2004.

Invitada a trabajar bajo la dirección de Emilio García Whebi en un evento performático “El Matadero, Slaughter House” 2005/08. En línea, 2005/06/07/o8. Ciudad Konex, jueves 7 de febrero.


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Norsk Festival for Dans Og Film 2012

"We drank wine, watched porno films, danced as though we were dancing contact improv or working for Forsythe, Kylian, Anne Teresa de Keersmaker, " said the charismatic dancer Jordi Cortes Molina about his collaboration with Daniel Munoz in the making of COUP DE GRACE based on two men whose friendship was brought to an abrupt stop - only to be tested again after 40 years. "We tried everything to get to all the layers of the friendship of these two men with their long long history together. Every day, we'd improvise, sometimes for 3 hours straight, continuing until one of us called to stop."

Molina was a font of information and insight about the challenge of making dance films in our Artists Chat, here in the charming city of Haugesund, pop. 25,000, in the Norsk Festival for Dans og Film. Now in its third year, this dance film festival has the distinction of being developed with the support, from its inception, with The Norwegian International Film Festival now in its 40th year. Anne Jorunn Salhus and Rikke W Lie started their Dans Og Film Festival in 2010, but sadly Anne passed that year. The screenings were primarily on the 4 screens of Edda Kino as well as the Maritim Hotel. This year's festival had the distinction of presenting 4 Norwegian premieres with the opening film being KON TIKI.


12249544870?profile=originalThe screening in Haugesund of COUP DE GRACE directed by Clara van Gool, shown at Dance on Camera Festival 2012 in NYC, was a highlight of Dans Og Film, along with the screening of other old favorites such as HORIZON OF EXILE, ONE FLAT THING RE-PRODUCED, and a new short involving a staggering about of post-production from USA,  SOLIPSIST by Andrew Thomas Huang, noted by Creativity Magazine as a Director to Watch. Jordi revealed how close he was to Clara van Gool, with whom he had made 6 films. When he worked for DV8, he made 2 films with David Hinton, STRANGE FISH and TOUCHED. Quite relaxed and warm in person, Jordi often appears imperious and domineering on screen. He confided that he had to learn to do much less for the camera and slow everything down. He currently is fascinated by the idea of body memory, exploring fossils as a catalyst for a new project. He begins in September to direct a documentary in Barcelona about his work with the disabled.

Dans og Film Festival ran August 19-21, 2012, offering screenings, 4 day workshop with Peter Jasko and Milan Herich from the Brüssels based Les Slovaks dance collective, artists chat, and the lecture/screening of my "100 Years of Dance on Camera."

For more information, see http://www.nf-df.no

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