Hello dance-techers,
I wish you all a happy and peaceful holidays in this wonderful and troubled planet!
We are all in this together and learning new ways!
Thank you for your art and generosity!
I would like to take advantage of this message to thank you in advance for reading this message and for contemplating helping to support our projects.
We have put in place an automated monthly donation system integrated with the sign-up and sign-in functions for the dance-tech.net.
You will be now reminded that dance-tech.tv and its network is supported by generosity of its users!
With your generous contribution you will be supporting the following projects:
- dance-tech.net: this online community.
- dance-tech.tv: an online curated video channel dedicated to the performance of movement, creative processes, new media and interdisciplinary arts.
- dance-tech.TVLIVE: a network of online channels dedicated to LIVE transmission arts related content. In collaborations with international organizations as co-producers.
- Choreography or ELSE: Contemporary Experiments on the Performance of Motion: an online interactive collection of complete experimental choreography works on dance-tech.tv.
- embedded_vlogger: social media production from within venues, conferences and Festivals: combining "embedded journalism" with digital storytelling, social media technologies and methods, I travels the world visiting festivals and producing news flows, interviews and views from the "inside" of festivals and art hub using all the dance-tech platforms and meta-networks.
Donation is VOLUNTARY!
..we remain FREE and open to everybody!
This is an important change because is an step that will guarantee that we can keep dance-tech.net and .TV FREE and be able to cover the costs of labor, the technological platforms and the production.
We have always been a donation based network but now we have reached a critical mass to really leverage the potential of sustainable collective generosity of our international community.
The systems are in place to automate the process and make it seamless within the platform.
You will have access to the site and community even if you decide that you can donate only $0.00 at this time.
No problem!
but please consider how much can you donate!
Any amount helps!
Not a member?
If you enjoy and find value on dance-tech.net and .tv projects, but you are not a dance-tech.net member, you may also DONATE a fix amount of $3.00 a month or make a one time donation using the PayPal links in the right sidebar of this site.
We welcome other contributions such as: premium video from performances and events, space and labor bartering, residencies, discounts for members, etc.
Share, participate in the conversations, collaborate and enjoy!
Let's develop together infrastructures of
Thank you!
If you have any questions email:
This is the form that will appear to remind you about dance-tech.net donation system:
Detailed information on costs:
dance-tech.net and dance-tech.tv are independent projects managed by Marlon Barrios Solano and are under the umbrella of dance-tech interactive llc productions, a New York City based company.
All the income from donations is geared to support the following expenses:
Digital platforms:
Social networking platform for dance-tech.net and dance-tech.tv (maintenance an d development)
Domain names and hosting
Virtual office:
You send it
Apps for Ipad and mobility
Pre paid Simcards
24 hours per week for production of video content, management, content maintenance, research, posting, curation and administration.
Digital hardware
Becoming a dance-tech enabler for 2012?
Organizations such as theaters, companies and groups may become DANCE TECH enablers or supporters donating $300.00 or more during a calendar year.
What are Dance tech ENABLERS?