tracking (4)


Some clips from the rehearsal and the show day.

Orbe is a Multimedia platform play in which most of the media content is interactive .
Duration 45 mins.

It,s a history about the inner and outer being and the way both influence and evolute togueter.

Orbe was part of the Bad-Bilbao festival and was shown on the 30th of november.​2011/​orbe-plataforma-multimedia/​

Director: Zigor Gorostiola Sauce
Interpretation: Ena Fernández
Interactive Designer,Programmer: Abraham Manzanares
Musical Production: DJ Amnsia
Therapeutic dance: Izaskun Zelaia
Assitant helper : Itzi Recalde Fragua
Video: Pablo Fernández, Iñigo López
Video resourses : Pausa digital

Thanks to all + :
Zigor for his effortless will of making things.
Irene Pereira for caring.
Izaskun Fernandez in place and show help .
Jesu y Piti for sharing their place .

Music of the video :
David nod - Noised -​eng/​miga41.htm



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Motion Tracking with Particle Creation

I am currently exploring different ways in which I can incorporate programming and interactive technologies with dance performance. This particular experiment uses motion tracking software created in openFramworks. Graphic lines are drawn from particles within the space to the silhouette of my dancing figure.

playing with particles from Adam Scher on Vimeo.

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The Bubble Chamber

Getting working on The Bubble Chamber, my empty shops project exploring sited dance & projection in Coventry. Getting some cool things going with Isadora and Processing and working with @arctic_sunrise. you can follow the progress on twitter @MercurialD

Here is a panorama of the space before we started work

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Our new Interactive Installation

Hello,with my group d-flesh (Christian Delecluse and myself) we are showing a new interactive installation called "Dans le noir" (In the dark) in the third edition of festival "Bains numériques" in Enghien-les-bains. It is in the Centre des Arts, the theatre we are in permanent residency as associated artist during the 2007-2008 period. In the second edition we performed Under-score (see the pictures I've posted).It is a sound installation for one spectator about losing the sense of self creating a trouble in the perception of his/her own movements. It lasts 4 minutes and each spectator is alone in the total darkness. sounds are triggered and spatialized over 8 channels of sound by his/her movements.Sorry, no pictures (total darkness:-)
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