I am honored! Thank you Lisa Kraus for generous and smart article about my work with the dance-tech project and focused on meta-academy!! Please enjoy and share!
The vlogger has been blogged!!

Sherry Turkle, the sociologist/psychologist who rose to prominence as an early internet booster has changed her mind. Today, instead of continuing to marvel at the internet’s potentials she laments that our continual involvement with “screens” creates a culture where we are “alone together.” There are plenty who share her assessment.
Concurrent with this development, some researchers are investigating exciting and fruitful ways to connect through screens. Marlon Barrios Solano, who trained in dance, cognitive science and new media, works in ways that counter the sense of disembodiment and isolation that staring at screens can engender. Solano is drawn to screens but researches how the internet and the tools it provides offer not only ways of building community and sharing knowledge but also new ways to experience our bodies.