money (8)

CROWD FUNDING - a try out lV

It took me a while to write another blog on that - well - Christmas break and all that jingle....


After some days of prooving our votings - the FIDOR bank came to the conclusion, that we do not hat enough valid votings. Main reason: we had too many from abroad. Well - we did know that. But also thought it would tell, that crowd funding shoulden't have any boarder. Another argument came on the collaborators of the FIDOR bank Fidor decided we don't have enough supporters on the startnext platform. Which is suspicious to them. For us it was already a hassle to get the people registered in order to vote for us, so that we didn't concentrate on the next step, which would be having the focus on startnext. At the end, every argument from their side would have a refutation from our side - the rules of the game are not that clear. We guess because of that the FIDOR bank offert us a booby prize of 500 €. And yes, we took it.

The rule of the startnext funding is, if you manage to get the money you need, you get the funding. If not, you don't get money at all (and it goes back to the supporters). They don't want, that people realize project without money, which is a good one and very much preferable. But a magazin for instance could wait and try to collect the money within the next month. We have a fixed date where the dance performance has to be ready to go on stage. With money to produce it or not. So in any case, we'll have to produce it and in it's worst case with no money - or ok, with 500 € from the FIDOR bank. Yeah.

As I said, next step is the startnext funding. I'll update you on that one.


Happy new year to everyone - be moved, move, move on - all year long.


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CROWD FUNDING - a try out lll

Tomorrow is now the last day of the competition at the Fidor bank ( and we're quite excited about it!

We're still in the first row, but you never know about the jokers other players might have and, lets be real - it is a game. So I see my self and all the people involved sitting in front of their computer, checking the website of Fidor every minute...

The last days we spent on writing emails and facebook messages and twitter messages and talked to people - all to mobilize the crowd so that they vote for us. This is not an easy job. It takes a lot of time. Especially if you try to make your mother vote as well. Not an easy one. Well, we need every vote.

The communication part on every platform is the most important point in the whole thing. If you know a lot of people and you make them vote for you - you made a good job in communicating your project. It also helps to ask your friends and partners to forward your request.

In the first action I sent 700 messages and emails - we have 60 votes by now. So you see what's left. But I have to admit, it is a boarder to register at a bank you don't know and all that stuff. Also the registration process is not just that you click on the project to vote. So people hesitate. It's a new way to fund project. People might have doubts and all. But never the less - we are optimistic!

If we win the competition, we will receive our first funding to produce the dance piece ROHRPOST.

Give it a try too!

Thanks and good night,

Johanna for mind_the_gut

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Call for entries: VIDA 13.0

At a time when the notion of life is once again located in an uncertain domain, a wide range of artistic initiatives come together to illustrate and investigate this phenomenon; they examine the impact on the collective conscience and the way it is manifested in cultural, technological and social thought.

Over the last decade, in the same formal space, VIDA has been bringing together inter-disciplinary projects that respond to this situation. By means of formal strategies that defy the boundaries between existing practices, these projects offer new ways of reflecting on what we understand by life and artificial life.

Fundación Telefónica announces the VIDA 13.0 Art & Artificial Life International Competition, which for the last twelve years has awarded prizes for artistic projects using technological mediums offering innovative approaches to research into artificial life.

The projects may be based on systems which emulate, imitate or speculate on the notion of life through current research and technology. These systems may involve attributes of agency and autonomy which display specific behaviour, are dynamic, react to their surroundings and evolve, and which question the frontiers between what is alive and what is not, between synthetic and organic life.

As in previous years there are two categories to the competition:


In this category VIDA 13.0 will award prizes to artistic ALife projects developed after 2008. The sum of 40,000 Euros will be shared between the projects selected by the jury: First Prize: 18,000 Euros, Second Prize: 14,000 Euros, and Third Prize: 8,000 Euros. In addition seven honourable mentions will be awarded.


In this category VIDA 13.0 helps to fund artistic ALife projects that have not yet been produced. This is aimed at citizens or residents of countries comprising Latin America, Spain and Portugal. The sum of 40,000 Euros will be shared between the selected projects.

The winning projects will be subsequently exhibited at the VIDA Gallery, and may be presented in exhibitions related to art and new technologies organised by Fundación Telefónica or in which it takes part.


Period for submission of projects: from 19th July to 7th November 2010.

more info.

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CROWD FUNDING - a try out ll

After some days of having the competition online, beeing the first in the row and having left just 3 days to vote for us - the website has an error. WOHOO. That keeps the suspense quite high...

We hope this is gone by tomorrow and some followers will vote in the last minutes in order to help us being the one getting the support by the Fidor bank.

Nothing more to tell by now - you can become a fan on facebook if you wish

We'll keep you informed!


Johanna mind_the_gut

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CROWD FUNDING - a try out

So we are invited to show our dance production ROHRPOST (tube mail) at the TANZWOCHE DRESDEN (dance week Dresden) in April 2011. The piece is yet to be produced - but where does the budget comes from? We started a crowd funding deal last week. I'm gonna right about it, keep you updated.

If you wanna support us as well - below you'll find the instructions for the Fidor competition.

With great help from Thomas Dumke (TMA) and some more people, we gonna try out CROWD FUNDING. Something which is kind of new - well in Germany at least.

Two ways to do so. First step is a competition at the Fidor bank. Where supporters have to register, search for our project ("ROHRPOST") and click on the >thumbs up< button. If we get the most votings till December 15th, we get our first funding. Straight from the bank. Nice one.

Second one is a platform called As a so called starter you create a profile where you introduce your project to the public. Supporters have to register. Now they can decide rather they "just" become a fan of the project or they might wanna donate some money. Everyone who gives in money will receive a small gift as a thank you.
We had to set a deadline. Untill that day we have to manage to get the money (through the crowd) we said we need. If we manage that, Startnext will support us as well. If not, everyone who gave in some money will get it back. Also nice.

For now we started with step one - the Fidor competition. At the moment we're in the first row. Which is very nice, but the deadline here is December 15th and the rivals never rest...

Guidance thumbs up for „wersollsbekommen“ competition:
for the new dance production by Johanna Roggan & Rebekka Esther Böhme ROHRPOST (tube mail) we are going to try out CROWD FUNDING via STARTNEXT and a competition at the FIDOR bank. If you want to support us and a new way of cultural funding – take 10 minutes and follow our instructions.
ATTENTION. The website is in German. We tell you what to do, step by step.
You have just one vote! And it has to be done until December 15th 2010.

let's go:FIDOR BANK AG – to register for the competition go to:
there is no small window opening: on the very top left side is a button >registrieren< click on that
Anrede* (Bitte auswählen) >> title (please select)
Vorname* >> name
Nachname* >> surname
Nick-Name* >> nickname
E-Mail-Adresse* >> e-mail address
Passwort* >> password
(there is a security advice for your password, it tells you how safe your chosen word is)
Passwort wiederholen* >> re enter password

below all that is a field for a small hook, click on it. With the hook you agree to the SBT.
Then click on the huge orange button >Jetzt anmelden!< register now!

Wait for the registration e-mail with the link to sign in.

“wersollbekommen“ competition:
the competition is quite important and possible just by registration at the FIDOR bank. In case we win the competition, it would be our first earning to produce our dance piece.

Go to
and log in with your informations you just added during the registration process.
Scroll down. There is a silver-colored field called >Nutzersuche<. Type in ““ and click on >suchen< (search). On the right side of the (German) text is a thumps up sign. Click on it. That's your vote for us.
You have just one vote! And it has to be done until December 15th 2010.

Thanks a lot!!!

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us:

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El 30 de juliol és la data límit per a inscriure les vostres obres.

El Premi Videodansa Barcelona és una convocatòria internacional dirigida a reconèixer aquelles obres més rellevants en la creació audiovisual amb el cos, el moviment i el llenguatge coreogràfic com elements significatius i diferenciadors del contingut i la forma del film.

Totes les obres seleccionades s'exhibiran en el marc del programa del festival IDN - Imatge, Dansa i Nous mitjans - que tindrà lloc del 13 al 16 de gener de 2011 al Mercat dels Flors de Barcelona.

El Premi, dotat amb 4000€, s'atorgarà a una sola obra o com a màxim a dos ex aequo i es farà públic en el marc de IDN. A més del Premi, un jurat internacional format per curadors i artistes del sector, seleccionarà entre 6 i 10 treballs destacats que passaran a formar part de les iniciatives de difusió pública de l'associació NU2’s.

Trobareu les bases i tota la informació a la web de NU2’s:

* Si’s plau reenvií aquest missatge a totes les persones que puguin estar interessades amb la fi d’obtenir la màxima difusió *

NU2's associació per a la creació rep el suport del Department de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, de l’Institut de Cultura de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, i de l’Institut Ramon Llull
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El 30 de Julio es la fecha límite para inscribir vuestras obras.

El Premi Videodansa, Barcelona es una convocatoria internacional dirigida a reconocer aquellas obras más relevantes en la creación audiovisual con el cuerpo, el movimiento y el lenguaje coreográfico cómo elementos significativos y diferenciadores del contenido y la forma del film.

Todas las obras seleccionadas se exhibirán dentro del programa del festival IDN – Imagen, Danza y Nuevos medios - que tendrá lugar del 13 al 16 de enero de 2011 en el Mercat de les Flors de Barcelona.

El Premi, dotado con 4000€, se otorgará a una sola obra o cómo máximo a dos ex aequo y se hará público en el marco de IDN. Además del Premi, un jurado internacional formado por curadores y artistas del sector, seleccionará entre 6 y 10 trabajos destacados que pasarán a formar parte de las iniciativas de difusión pública de la asociación NU2’S.

Encontraréis las bases y toda la información en la web de NU2’s:

* Por favor reenviar este mensaje a todas aquellas personas que puedan estar interesadas con el fin de obtener la máxima difusión *

Helvetica, Arial"">NU2'S associació per la creació recibe la ayuda del Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, del Ajuntament de Barcelona y del Institut Ramón Llull





July 30 is the deadline for submit your works.

The Videodance, Barcelona Prize is an international competition designed to recognize those most relevant works of the audiovisual creation with the body, movement and choreographic language as significant elements of the content and form of the film.

All the selected works will be projected at the program of IDN - Image, Dance and New media – festival which will take place from 13 to 16 January 2011 at the Mercat de les Flors of Barcelona.

The prize, worth € 4,000 will be awarded for a single work or a maximum of two ex aequo and it will be given during IDN. In addition to the Prize, an international jury of curators and artists will select between 6 and 10 distinguished works that will become part of the public initiatives of diffusion of NU2’s association.

You will find all the information at our website:

* Please help us to ensure we reach as many people as possible by forwarding this message to anyone that may be interested *

Helvetica, Arial"">NU2'S associacío per la creació has the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya's Departament of Cultura, the Ajuntament de Barcelona and the Ramón Llull institute.

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Entrycall 2010

Call for entries dance screen at Cinedans 2010!
Festival dates 8 – 12 December, 2010

Stichting Dioraphte will award € 7500,-
and € 2000,- for the winning filmmakers of dancescreen 2010 at Cinedans.
Cinedans would like to thank Stichting Dioraphte for supporting the competition of this years festival!

‘Dioraphte Student Encouragement Award’ € 2.000,-
‘Dioraphte Cinedans jury award’ € 7.500,-

NOTE The deadline for entry is July 21st 2010!

Bright prospects for lovers of video dance: Come and join us in the Dutch city of Amsterdam! Cinedans and the IMZ would like to cordially invite you to participate in dance screen at Cinedans 2010: On 8 – 12 December, Cinedans will host this 12th international festival and competition for dance films and videos. In Cinedans, dance screen has found synergetic partners to co-organise this event. Additionally to programming dance films and videos Cinedans also focuses on crossover projects and media installations. Cinedans further features commissioned film projects, installations, live games and workshops and will take place from 8 – 12 December.

dance screen at Cinedans 2010 will be featuring an irresistible programme of events! In addition to the extensive film programme, lively panels and productive discussions on the state of the arts, inspiring lectures, hot topic talks on community focal points and presentations will let us explore the variety of our alluring playgrounds. The video library is as always a wide fishing pool for programmers offering a varied overview on the art form.

Focussing on excellence and innovation, the dance screen at Cinedans 2010 competition forms the centre of the festival, which thus will culminate in the dance screen at Cinedans 2010 Award Gala, presenting the ‘Dioraphte Cinedans jury award’ of € 7.500,- and the ‘Dioraphte Student Encouragement Award’ of € 2.000,-

Hence high time to put out our first call for entries! You may submit your work(s) in the following categories:

A) Live performance relay
Multi-camera relay of a live dance performance

B) Camera re-work
Adaptation of an existing choreography

C) Screen choreography
Television/film/data productions with a choreography specifically created for the screen, movement based video clips, experimental films, animation & fiction

D) Documentary
Profile or feature of e.g. a choreographer, a dance company, dance history, etc.

Competition Rules, Online entry form, Online personal registration form are to be found on: dance screen

Deadline for submission and receipt of material is 21 July 2010!
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Dance Week Challenge from VISCERA and Afrologica

So Dance week is upon us here in the US. Usually a series of somewhat hokey studio offerings, this event was initially planned by UNESCO as a one day dance intervention. There was to be dancing int he streets, in public plazas and buildings, parks and thoroughfares. Dancing literally in the streets if one could manage it.So I'd like to bring that energy back.My colleague and friend Susan Rose made a piece back in the 1970s for parking meters. It was very intense and extremely instructive on many levels. Therefore, I am issuing a Metered Dance Challenge to you all.How it works: on International Dance Day, April 29th, with a team of at least 6 dancing bodies (in the footage of Susan's work, teams of 3 were often ignored and in danger), scope out meters on a busy street. When a car leaves, pump in your change, and proceed to dance there for the amount of time you have purchased. Don't forget to videotape and upload here, vimeo and on YouTube. Extra bonus points if you join and post there, too.I will curate a sampling of the videos on a blog celebrating our investigation of the "value" of dance.Tag me on Twitter if you think you want to do this: @doctoradancer . Follow on Twitter via #meterdnce . I would like as many places on the planet as possible to participate.I'll see about getting a DVD transfer of the Super8 film of the original dance uploaded for all to check out.thought in motion,Anna B. Scott, Co-Instigator VISCERA performance theorist troupe; founder/editor/writer of Afrologica network & newsletter
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