Call for entries: VIDA 13.0
At a time when the notion of life is once again located in an uncertain domain, a wide range of artistic initiatives come together to
illustrate and investigate this phenomenon; they examine the impact on
the collective conscience and the way it is manifested in cultural,
technological and social thought.
Over the last decade, in the same formal space, VIDA has been bringing together inter-disciplinary projects that respond to this
situation. By means of formal strategies that defy the boundaries
between existing practices, these projects offer new ways of reflecting
on what we understand by life and artificial life.
Fundación Telefónica announces the VIDA 13.0 Art & Artificial Life International Competition, which for the last twelve years has
awarded prizes for artistic projects using technological mediums
offering innovative approaches to research into artificial life.
The projects may be based on systems which emulate, imitate or speculate on the notion of life through current research and
technology. These systems may involve attributes of agency and autonomy
which display specific behaviour, are dynamic, react to their
surroundings and evolve, and which question the frontiers between what
is alive and what is not, between synthetic and organic life.
As in previous years there are two categories to the competition:
In this category VIDA 13.0 will award prizes to artistic ALife projects developed after 2008. The sum of 40,000 Euros will be shared between the projects selected by the jury: First Prize: 18,000 Euros, Second Prize: 14,000 Euros, and Third Prize: 8,000 Euros. In addition seven honourable mentions will be awarded.
In this category VIDA 13.0 helps to fund artistic ALife projects that have not yet been produced. This is aimed at citizens or residents
of countries comprising Latin America, Spain and Portugal. The sum of 40,000 Euros will be shared between the selected projects.
The winning projects will be subsequently exhibited at the VIDA Gallery, and may be presented in exhibitions related to art and new technologies
organised by Fundación Telefónica or in which it takes part.
Period for submission of projects: from 19th July to 7th November 2010.
more info.