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Denise Fujiwara. Taller de Butoh en Toroonto. Octubre, 2010.

4to día

15 de octubre de 2010

Toronto, Canadá

Un taller intensivo siempre es así, digamos... "intenso". Mucho de todo en poco tiempo. No todos acertamos a concluir con exactitud para qué hicimos todo ésto y no somos tampoco concientes de todo aquello que se nos dió, sin embargo algunos puntos de asimilación pueden ser esenciales para nuestro futuro, y lo agradezco.

En nuestro último día del taller cerramos el círculo básico de la exploración con los cuatro elementos e iniciamos el camino hacia la creación de espectáculos, al estilo en que Denise lo concibe, claro.

Taijiqigong, cadera, circulación, hilos de tensiones, desequilibrios, desplazamientos, interacción con el compañero...

Desplazamientos e interacción con el otro fue un verdadero capítulo en este día. El ejercicio fue de una exigencia mayúscula, en tiempo y en esfuerzo: pieza musical tras pieza musical se nos exigía diferentes tipos de desplazamientos con los ya clásicos NO del Butoh (no actuar, no coreografiar, no repetir, no pensar, no preparar, etc), sumado a la interacción con los compañeros.

En algún momento Denise entró al ejercicio e interactuó con algunos de nosotros, más con aquellos que la conocen de otros talleres; cuando traté de ver qué hacía la ví trepándose por las mamparas móvibles que separan un salón de otro y después subirse en los hombros de uno de los compañeros. Independiente de lo fascinante o simpático que eso resultaba, parece que en realidad Denise estaba un tanto preocupada por nuestra debilidad durante el trabajo, y nuestros muchos SI y pocos NO. Durante el ejercico también se acercó a mí y me pidió no casarme con una idea y crearla, sino dejarla correr; y no pude hacer otra cosa mas que cambiar mi desplazamiento y comenzar a hacer algo más simple, lo que me llegara, evitando la elaboración. No puedo saber si funcionó, y parece que no lo sabré en mucho tiempo, aún practicando, pero así es el entrenamiento del Butoh; hay que descubrirlo con la práctica.

El ejercico (improvisación le llama Denise) fue verdaderamente largo, alrededor de una hora desplazándonos en busca de "desplazamientos" y de interacciones con los otros.

Todos estábamos agotados, verdaderamente cansados del ejercicio físico de los pasados días y de la intensidad de los ejercicios mismos. Denise nos pidió hacer un esfuerzo aún en el nivel bajo de energía que tuviéramos, y ese esfuerzo concretamente era evitar el desperdicio de energía tratando de pensar en exceso en nuestra debilidad. "Usar la debilidad en nuestro provecho", trabajar con ella, y ella nos llevaría a reservas de energía en nuestro cuerpo.

Finalmente pasamos al tema del cuarto elemento, el Fuego.

Sentados repetimos las palabras que nos referían al fuego y a sus estados, hasta que tuvimos una gran cantidad de ellas como acervo para el ejercicio a venir: estados del elemento fuego, ser esos estados e interactuar con los otros.

Ser algún estado del fuego podría pensarse que resultaría más fácil trabajarlo (por aquello de la movilidad y la explosividad del fuego), pero no me resultó así, tuve problemas y en algún momento estuve verdaderamente confundido. Durante minutos me dediqué a tratar de ser un radiador electrico que emanaba calor, y de verdad lo buscaba, hasta que Denise se me acercó (¡la segunda vez en le curso!) y me susurró que relajara mi nuca y que fuera más específico; me quedé totalmente tieso y le dije es que yo -"creía estar siendo específico"-, ella pensó un poco y dijo,-"bueno, no tengo las soluciones"- y me dejó trabajando.

Yo llevaba un rato trabajando en algo específico pero nada de eso lo era para quien lo veía, y algo debía cambiar; como si yo hubiera etsado trabajando una especifidad para mi creación y no para el resultado (lo que no deja de confundirme más). No quise quedarme ahí y simplemente cambié de estado del fuego y exploré haia otra parte; Denise volvió a acercarse a mí, y me dijo -"déjalo correr, no te cases con nada, que esté en todo tu cuerpo, en tus espalda, en tus pies, que no haya molécula tuya que no sea el elemento"-. Así que mi fuego chispeante fue un gozoso movimiento de todo mi cuerpo (profundamente agotador), siendo ese fuego hasta en el menor detalle del que yo era capaz de concebir; después vino un estado más con el fuego azul de la estufa que calienta una hoya. Denise ya no se acercó otra vez, o se dió por vencida o encontré algo valioso a su parecer que merecía el ya no interrumpirme más.

Hubo una sesión verdaderamente corta de comentarios donde extrañamente Denise expresó por primera vez su gusto por el trabajo de dos personas, a un muy leve nivel de emoción o alabo, entonces se detuvo y no hubo más comentarios en ese sentido. Parece que sí hay una premisa de su parte para evitar esos comentarios, premisa que desde el principio he aplaudido, porque si quiere uno dejar el ego fuera y ser algo lo primero es dejar de fomentarlo desde el otro lado.

El momento final llegaba con la propuesta de nuestro espectáculo final improvisado con dos de los estados, de los 8 escogidos con los 4 elementos, con una estructura de entradas y salidas similares pero ahora buscando una mayor responsabilidad de aportar algo a lo que sucedía en la escena al momento de entrar o salir; la interacción con los otros debía ser regulada pero abierta a posibilidades; y las transiciones entre un estado y otro a realizar deberían ser no pausas muertas si no eso precisamente, transiciones, evidentes procesos de cambio, caminos que nos llevan a un estado diferente y al otro elemento. Debo decir que hubo momento mágicos de la interacción, verdaderos encuentros entre cuerpos y movimientos, y atrayentes solos también; aún así pericbí que alguos movimientos de otros me cansaban (como espectador) a estas alturas, como si ya hubiera visto demasiado de ellos.

Hacer Butoh no es algo que le gusté a todos, ni verlo ni hacerlo. Interviene también la gran cantidad de intercambios químicos que hacen las relaciones humanas lo que son.

Ante la pregunta de Denise de por qué unos atraían más que otros, la confusión fue general; primero sugieron las frases sobre la belleza de algunos movimientos, de que alguien llamaba más porque se le veía más dentro o más verídico, pero entonces otros hablaron sobre la comunicación que se daba entre yo espectador y aquello que veía ese yo en el 'performer"; entonces la subjetividad de la relación bailarín-espectador se hizo patente y ninguna discusión puede continuar de esa manera.

Butoh había ganado en su inconsistencia racional y su rechazo a los conceptos de claridad, proyección o técnica.

Mi mente voló sobre las implicaciones de lo que veía y sucedía, y pensé que Butoh es un arte de connotaciones extrañas, y que al final no es una escuela como tal, que no tiene una técnica tradicional, y que no tiene un punto base para definir su calidad. Denise lo dijo después, -"Butoh no tiene en su vocabulario, virtuosismo"-.

Los grandes bailarines de Butoh han sido sus creadores por su creación misma, por sus cuerpos dedicados y únicos. Aún cuando todos podemos hacer Butoh, no todos tendremos entonces la apreciación que los maestros han tenido, y que son maestros debido una compleja amalgama de recursos a su alrededor y en su interior: pienso en Hijikata, en Ohno o en Murobushi. Supieron encontrar su Butoh y a la vez el gancho (hook le llamó Denise) para atraer al espectador y arrastrarlo a su mundo escénico.

El espectáculo improvisado en el taller fue formidable de cualquier manera, una pieza conjunta llena de riqueza de formas, ritmos y movimientos, y eso se dió porque pudimos sentir un soplo, un pedazo, un roce, de lo que Denise Fujiwara considera lo más preciado de un artista de Butoh, la habilidad de manipular el tiempo y el espacio.

Sildeshow: Taller de Butoh con Denise Fujiwara. Toronto. 2010.

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amber'10 Art and Technology Festival which has chosen its theme for this year as "Datacity" with the intention of drawing attention to the increasing importance of the generation and utilization of any kind
of data on cities and urban life, will also be hosting "amberConference"
which is going to be
held for the second time this year focusing on issues around "City andData".

amberFestival organized by BIS (Body Process Arts Association) since 2007, will meet its audience for the fourth time this year.

amberFestival continuing to be the only Art and Tehnology/ Media Arts festival of Turkey is being supported by Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency since 2008.

The main venue of this year's festival, will be Sanat Limanı (Antrepo No:5). Visitors, besides visiting the exhibition including interactive works of invited artists and selected applicants responding
to the call, will have the opportunity to participate in workshops and
artist presentations as well.

amberConference, organized by BIS in collaboration with Istanbul Modern Cinema within the context of the program of amberFestival, will start with a film screening on 4th November showing a selection of films
chosen by the institution in relation to the main theme. It will
continue with two lectures/workshops on the 5th and with presentations
of articles on the 6th and 7th. The conference will be held at Istanbul
Modern Cinema Hall.

I will be teaching a WorldGridLab!

Please come to say hello!


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moves – International Festival of Movement on Screen is thrilled to announce the dates & theme for its 7th edition:

moves - International Festival of Movement on Screen
INTERSECTIONS: Filming Across Culture & Technology
27 - April -1 May 2011

onscreen | onsite | online
In Liverpool & the UK

> moves11: Open Call – deadline Sun 28 Nov 2010
To showcase the best experimental short films and video art exploring "movement on screen" from around the world moves is now inviting filmmakers and artists
to present screen-based works that investigate cultural and
technological intersections. moves11 will look at films, installations,
live events and papers that create connections at various levels
capturing, discussing and imagining different INTERSECTIONS.

> moves Awards

The best works shown at the festival will enter the race for the moves Film Award (cash prize £1000), moves Audience award (professional training worth up to £500) and the international moves Tour Award (to screen around the world).

> next moves event: New media dance theatre performance Red Rain by Bridget Fiske
Sat 20 Nov 2010 | Old Rapid Paint Shop, Renshaw St, Liverpool, L1, FREE
Red Rain uses interactive and video media as a digital poetry with live performance to investigate the self in-flux.

The performance is presented by moves as part of Mercy’s Midnight Specials at The Cooperative for Liverpool Biennial.

> Have you missed moves10? Checkout our festival wrap-up video produced by the students from Futureworks.

> View pictures & comments of moves recent Interactive Scenography LAB.

> Revive the inspirational audiovisual journey of the live performance Sayat Nova Revisited by Goran Vejvoda & BACKGROUND.


Info: | on facebook: movement on screen | on twitter: movesfestival

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Programa de Instalación de Software JAISER 1.0 en SCL 2110
DES-ADAPTACIÓN es un proceso relacional adaptativo, desadaptativo y readaptativo entre los artistas Sergio Valenzuela y Jaime del Val que resulta en una versión Beta de lo humano, un posible Metahumano del año 2110, donde un software corporal JAISER Beta 2110 opera entre dos sistemas operativos desadaptados (los dos artistas) y que se instalará en el Hardware del Museo MAC y la exposición bicentenario SCL 2110 en dos sesiones, una prolongada de instalación del software y otra más breve de demostración de funcionamiento.
JAISER Beta 2110 es el software desadaptativo que invierte toda lógica de la informática y la sociedad del control al plantearse como un software corporal en donde la estrategia de terrorismo personal está destinada a disolver las categorías conocidas de afectos como territorios de control y a inducir un desorden y desorientación afectiva permanente.
A través de acciones diseminadas en el Hub de RoseLee Goldberg y en el resto del museo los artistas, ejecutan un “terrorismo” personal dinamitando los territorios inteligibles de los afectos e invirtiendo la lógica de la vulnerabilidad y la intimidad, instalando su performance; el software corporal Jaiser 2110 en su versión Beta al disco duro del espacio de la exposición.
Jaime del Val y Sergio Valenzuela son sistemas operativos fallidos en el marco de meta-sistemas de control, que juntos, en un proceso desadaptativo engendran esta versión beta de un software del descontrol, partiendo de la exhibición provocativa de vulnerabilidad trasmutada. Los artistas incuban, en acoplamientos ilegibles este software-artista del futuro, en constante proceso de desadaptación, aquí se expone la primera fase: una versión 1.0, readaptable e instalable en otros contenedores de hardware en y para el futuro.



2 de Noviembre desde las 17.00 h.
3 de Noviembre a las 19.00 h.
Hub de RoseLee Goldberg
MAC. Qta Normal

Exposición Bicentenario SCL 2110
Curador y director del proyecto
Rodrigo Tisi.
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Techné: body+motion+computation

Starting September 9th 2011!

Find more photos like this on

Starting September 9th 2011!

An on-line video series on dance-techTV that presents complete seminal works of dance/movement artists engaged on the experimentation of the performance of movement interfaced with digital technologies.

The works are presented with a video interview with the artist and a compilation of on-line references about the work and the artist.

The aim of this series is to create an online LIVING archive of the evolving field of dance and technology.

Stay tuned for more!

Associate Producer
Marlon Barrios Solano

In Partnership with:


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Hardly two months are left in the Christmas Eve to come and preparations have already started. On one side people are seeking more fun from their Xmas holidays while on the other side entertainers want to make every moment of their holidays full of excitement. People living in the western countries love to attend the most popular dance format of today’s era, the ballet dance and The Nutcracker is the most famous form of presenting the Ballet dance around the whole world. The Nutcracker shows are specifically presented during the Christmas season and different schools and other dance training institution leave no effort in producing ballet dancers who in future could become a part of the Nutcracker ballet team. The Nutcracker shows are now presented as dancing concerts while traditional theater presentation of the Nutcracker is still continue.
The Nutcracker ballet is presented by different entertaining companies and almost every notable theater of a city presents this traditional ballet concert in its own style. Just like previous years the preparations for The Nutcracker have begun and ballet dancers are doing intensive rehearsals by adding new techniques in their dancing styles. During the Christmas season theaters impatiently seek the new ballet talents with highest dancing performances and auditions have already started. There are great opportunities for kids 8 to 14 years and elder dancers to attend the auditions for the different roles. The best thing is that no previous experience is required for the kid roles but the right dancing skills. The local theaters prefer the local youngster as a part of their team but some are now also looking for ballet dancers in other countries just like Moscow Ballet Prima Ballerinas who hunted USA for ballet dancers. The River City Ballet has announced Oct. 23rd as a day for the audition for child 6-9 years old at the Central Texas Ballet Conservatory.
The dates of their Nutcracker ballet concerts from different theaters are coming. The Lavrova Classical Ballet Academy will debut their North America Nutcracker tour on November 4th at Bell Performing Arts Centre in Surrey. The famous Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker concert will be presented at the Auditorium Theatre of Rochester on 7th December at 7:30pm. The Brooklyn College will present the Nutcracker on Dec. 12, 2010 at 2 pm at their Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts. The famous SA Ballet Theatre along with the SA State Theatre has announced a series of 23 Nutcracker shows from November 19th to the December 19th 2010. The American Ballet Theatre is the leading ballet company around the world hired the famous ballet dancer Alexei Ratmansky to choreograph for the premium of their new The Nutcrackers show on Thursday, December 23, 2010 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Buy cheap Nutcracker tickets from our site to enjoy all the shows live in theater.

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Partnerships with



This is an introduction to the possibilities of collaboration between and you: individual and organization.


A partner or ENABLER is an individual or organization that is committed to investigate the potential of all the online platforms for audience development, strategic communicatio and knowledge distribution/exchange. was created by Marlon Barrios Solano (Visit producer’s page) in October 2007 and has evolved to be one of the most important global social networks dedicated to the innovation on the performance of movement, providing its community with an free online destination with rich multimedia capabilities and a collaborative network of on-line video channels. also produces the following online video programs and series complete performances online:

-dance-tech@ a series of interviews (more than 200  interviews to date)

-Choreography or ELSE: Contemporary Experiments on the Performance of Motion (launched January 2011)

-TECHNE: body+motion+computation (to be launched in September 2011) receives an average of 2000 page visits a day and has more than 3500 active members.

These are guidelines that define a partnership; adjustments are realized in agreements based on the specific conditions and needs of the organizations, individulas and relevant projects.

Benefits for the partner on


1-Possibility to send e-blast the whole community.

2-Placement of linked logo or branded space in:

  •  Right sidebar with other partners (impressions in all the pages)  
  • dance-techTV and dance-techTVLIVE pages and in all the on-line series.

3- Priority coverage of partner’s events as part of the dance-tech@ interview series when relevant to the community and feasible with the distributed network of correspondents.

4-Placement of 30 seconds video in the dance-techTV channel (video provided by the partner)

5.-A preferential fee for all the collaborative Journalism projects such as: WorldGridLab and Embedded Vlogger. and all its projects are managed as part of the organization Dance-tech Interactive LLC based in New York City.




-Pay a suggested contribution of  150$  PER MONTH or once.

-Open an account in and  use its platforms as part of their audience development and communication strategies.

The partner’s contribution will be dedicated to support: 

NODES: A network of international correspondents in main artistic hubs around the world.







4 interviews per month= 600$


Started in February 2011





Read more… The social networking platform and community


2.-dance-tech.TV: collaborative network and broadcasting (curated content)

3.-Media productions

4.-Curated series

5.-Collaborative projects and knowhow

6.- Support dance-tech projects



All projects are under the administration

and authorship of dance-tech Interactive LLC

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Toynbee Studios, London
13 Nov - 14 Nov 2010, 11am - 5pm

Venue Information:

Simon Vincenzi’s Weekender will explore the “act of translation” as part of his ongoing research project Operation Infinity. This will be through an investigation into how the performer can act as a body of translation and how different states of being ‘held’ can happen whilst translating.

The lab will focus on physical acts of seeing, speaking and listening and how different texts can inhabit the body of a performer. Questions that might arise during the Weekender include “how can the body be abandoned to the physicality of understanding?” and “what might physical ventriloquism be?”

This Weekender is intended for all practicing artists from any discipline, from emerging artists at the beginning of their career to those more highly experienced.


Simon Vincenzi’s work pushes the boundaries of expectations of theatre and the audience’s relationship to the act of presentation. His work is about producing a threshold of uncertainty:

between what has already happened and what is happening now
between what has been perceived and what has been stimulated
between what is seen and what can’t be seen
between what is heard and what might be heard

Memory, communication, time, the divided self, consciousness, death and disappearance are recurring themes that develop uncanny, evocative and intensely visceral stage worlds. He frequently develops work through rigorous and intensive periods of research in which the context plays an important role in shaping what is generated. This lab weekend is a unique opportunity to develop your own practice using methods facilitated by Simon, whilst joining him in his own practice-based research.

Simon Vincenzi is… a radical theatre visionary.
Time Out

Operation Infinity is the title of a body of work that has stemmed from a previous Bock & Vincenzi piece The Infinite Pleasures of the Great Unknown, where six performers played the parts of thousands as the fictional “Troupe Mabuse”. Inspired by two fictional characters – Fritz Lang’s Dr. Mabuse and Shakespeare’s King Lear – the piece follows a never-ending choreography of chaos, possibility and prophecy. Operation Infinity draws on these themes and aims to reconfigure different performances in the same physical space, allowing an audience to use different forms of theatrical interpretation. With the Artsadmin Weekender Simon wishes to explore how the act of translation can affect such relationships with the audience also.

Simon Vincenzi is a London-based theatre director, choreographer and designer who has created a huge body of work over the past 15 years. Prior to Bock & Vincezi he created the ensemble performance piece Heartless. Then, in 1995 he joined Frank Bock to form Bock & Vincenzi. During their 13-year partnership the duo made works for both adult and children audiences that include Three Forest Dances In A Room Of Wood, Being Barely There I Saw You Too and Breathtaking. In 1999 Bock & Vincenzi began a seven-year research period culminating in The Invisible Dances (2004-2006); a theatre work in three acts presented over three years. During this collaboration Bock & Vincenzi worked with over 50 specialists including both sighted and visually impaired performers, dancers and actors; artists with physical disabilities, sound and video artists, computer programmers, philosophers, poets, writers, a phenomenologist and a spirit medium.

Works made for Simon’s evolving project Operation Infinity include: The Infinite Pleasures of the Great Unknown, Club Extinction and Luxuriant.

As the piece ends in roaring darkness, it’s as if we finally join [the performers]. And you’d be amazed at just what a blast that is.
The Observer, on As If They Hadn’t Been, As If they Had Not (2005)

Image by Bock & Vincenzi, Venice Theatre Biennale 2005, photo by Andy McGregor.

More Info:
Artsadmin Weekenders: Simon Vincenzi
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JUNE 2011 (Event Dates TBA), Los Angeles, CA

Early Deadline: December 15, 2010 ($50 fee; $40 for Members; $25 for Students)
Final Deadline: January 15, 2011 ($60 fee; $50 for Members; $25 for Students)

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Dance Camera West Dance Media Film Festival, our call for entries welcomes dance media in any dance style or genre. Categories include: screendance, movement based film, short films, features, documentary, installations, and interactive dance media. The 2011 festival will feature Dance Media: An Active Spectrum, an international dance media conference bringing together artists, innovators, educators and entertainment industry professionals to engage in the increasingly active spectrum of dance media on screen. Dance Camera West's June 2011 Tenth Anniversary festival events will include an international selection of dance media and special screening events at prominent Los Angeles venues. We look forward to seeing your new work!

Entry forms and guidelines available at:
Please direct questions to:

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Susan Kozel combines dance and philosophy in the context of new media. She works with bodies, ideas and technologies. She has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Essex, UK, and a long history of various movement techniques (from ballet to butoh). She is an internationally recognized and distinguished researcher. Susan has recently started a permanent position as a Professor of New Media at MEDEA, Malmö University.

MEDEA Talks presents: “Social Choreographies”

Friday, October 29 15:00-17:00

Place: MEDEA, Ö Varvsg. 11 A

Limited availability, sign up using the form below

Susan Kozel’s Medea talk will be about dance and social media. “Social Choreographies” is a research initiative but is also a way of looking at the urban world: seeing how we already ‘dance’ with our technologies and how, if we feel like it, can enhance the embodied quality of our mobile lives. She will talk about the IntuiTweet project that uses Twitter to access and exchange movement intuition. Can a social networking platform also be a way to enhance the performance of every day lives? Do Social Choreographies result? She will also talk about a few earlier projects that integrated bodies with sensing technologies.

Moderator: Tanja Mangalanayagam, Project Manager at Skånes Dansteater

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CITYRAMA in Torino, Italy and Bern Switzerland November 2010

CITYRAMA is a new performance created by Caden Manson / Big Art Group in collaboration with the students of HKB and the Teatro Stabile of Torino. CITYRAMA comprises a site-based theatrical and video installation that functions as a performance machine, asking the actor/participant to respond on stage to a flood of stimuli and make split-second responses in the context of a fragmented live movie. Multi-threaded stories, overlapping emotions, and conceptual actions that call attention to the physical occupation of the space combine into a portrait of the living city, of the city as a chimera created of voids and images, human stories and architectural constraints. In the interplay between occupation and transformation, CITYRAMA revels in the struggles of the ordinary hero to create her own world.

Castello di Rivoli / Prospettiva/ Teatro Stabile Torino (Italy)
Torino, IT
November 14, 2010 T 8:30pm

Bern University of the Arts (BAUS)
Bern, Switzerland
November 18, 29, 20, 2010

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Computer games as a new form of art and entertainment are now firmly established worldwide. Interdisciplinary collaboration between scriptwriters, animators, composers and designers is essential to the creation of new game worlds. The Fantoche International Animation Film Festival, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, the Federal Office of Culture and the SUISA Foundation for Music initiated their «Call for Projects: Swiss Games» with the aim of promoting the creation of Swiss computer games of a high artistic standard. Grants will be provided as an incentive to up-and-coming Swiss game developers to produce daring innovative game concepts, to narrate interactive stories and to open the door to new visual worlds.

A credit line of CHF 300,000 has been opened in 2011 for the first round of grants. There will be a maximum grant of CHF 50,000 per project. The adjudication will be performed by an international jury chaired by Guillaume de Fondaumière, who has produced games such as «Fahrenheit» and «Heavy Rain» at French video game developer Quantic Dream. The selected entries will be presented at the Fantoche International Animation Film Festival in Baden in September 2011. Additionally, the SUISA Foundation for Music will award a prize of CHF 15,000 for the best original sound composition.

The jury’s criteria

The «Call for Projects: Swiss Games» is open only to developers in or from Switzerland. A playable prototype must be submitted no later than March 2011. Entries will be judged according to the following criteria: gameplay (the mechanics of the game), scenario (storytelling), visuals (aesthetics), music and sound design, technical innovation and interactivity. Overall impression and the interplay of the various components will also be taken into account.

Further information on how to apply will be provided on the Fantoche website as of 15 November 2010:

Further details of Pro Helvetia’s two-year programme «GameCulture – From Game to Art», which is launched at the same time as the «Call for Projects: Swiss Games», are provided

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The 11th Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference,
November 4 – 6, 2010, Trondheim.

3 days – 20 nations – 65 speakers!

On behalf of TEKS and The Planetary Collegium:

In cooperation with the Planetary Collegium, at the University of Plymouth, England, TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre, is hosting the 11th Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference, with the title of ‘MAKING REALITY REALLY REAL‘.

The Consciousness Reframed conference series was founded by Roy Ascott at the University of Wales in 1997. Consciousness Reframed is a forum for trans-disciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology, design and consciousness, drawing upon the expertise and insights of artists, designers, architects, performers, musicians, writers, scientists, and scholars, usually from at least 20 countries.

From November 4 – 6, 2010, the conference is being held in Trondheim, Norway, in conjunction with the new biennial for arts and technology ‘Meta.Morf 2010 – New.Brave.World!

Making Reality Really Real

"The status of our reality is uncertain. The solid objective world of our everyday experience is a representation of an oscillating immateriality that we recognise, at another level of resolution, as constituting quantum phenomena. It’s not that matter doesn’t matter anymore, so much perhaps as the idea that matter isn’t matter anymore. Can we not reasonably ask whether there is a reality beyond what quantum mechanics describes, even closer to the really real? If our material, everyday world depends on our consciousness, what existed in the world before human consciousness had evolved, and how will the world look if our consciousness evolves still further? For many who live largely online, cyberspace accommodates a vivid and consequential normality that renders the material world less relevant to their lives. Until recently, we adapted our sensibilities to fit into separate boxes, variously identified as real, virtual, spiritual, and so on, which we saw as being served by separate ontologies. That separation has now merged into a flowing continuity, in which telecommunications, computing, nano technology, bioengineering and pharmacology play significant roles. The binary opposition between real and virtual realities no longer holds, and the Western conception of the individual human brain creating its own isolated mind may be giving way to the recognition of a connected intelligence seeking fuller access to a primordial field of universal consciousness. What might be the role of the artist in all of this? Can a trans-disciplinary art practice contribute to strategies for making the real really real?"

These issues form the background to a conference of artists, scholars, scientists, and engineers that will constitute the 11th Annual International Research Conference, "Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era", convened by Espen Gangvik of the Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre, and co-directed by Roy Ascott, president of the Planetary Collegium. Previously the conference has taken place in Australia, Austria, China, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

The Consciousness Reframed conference is being held in Trondheim, Norway, in conjunction with the new biennial for arts and technology ‘Meta.Morf 2010 – New.Brave.World!‘



Thursday Nov. 4

- 0900-0915 Gangvik: Welcome/Logistics | Ascott: Context/Theme
- 0945-1015 Oliveira: On the Blue of the Sea: Real Virtualities & Virtual Realities
- 1030-1100 Geraldo: Cyberflaneur: Between the Virtual and the Real Worlds
- 1115-1145 Balkan: A Cosmological OS - The World Beyond Time
- 1200-1230 Ayiter (Guest Speaker): Constructing Transformations: Creative Learning in a Metaverse
- 1245-1315 Meinhardt: Digital Natives - Is there an Internet-generation?

- 1400-1445 Bischof: Keynote
- 1500-1530 Lubjec: Rethinking the Reality Source Code
- 1545-1615 Kazemzade: Visibly Invisible: Spukhafte Fernwirkung, Mechano-Moist
- 1630-1700 Westermann: Towards a Poly-Valued Logic of Another Real Dream
- 1715-1745 Ascott: Accelerated Alchemy

- 0930-1000 Jung A Huh: Real Buddha vs Virtual Buddha
- 1005-1035 Zamanzadeh: Presence of Reality and the Eternal in Iranian Manuscript
- 1050-1120 Nelson: Toward a Cybernetic Ontology of Thingyness
- 1135-1205 Karoussos: St. Anna's Boolean Garden
- 1220-1250 Babasikas: On Ghost Images

- 1520-1550 Yuan Juliette: Mixed Reality and Online Life in China
- 1605-1635 Beloff: Wearable Worlds; Reality in a Pocket
- 1650-1720 Aldouby: Virtual Reality Turns Biological: Cronenberg's eXistenZ
- 1735-1805 Ribeiro: Spaceless Spaces: from Impression to Imagination
- 1830-1915 Gimzewski: Keynote: Interfacial Intelligence

Friday Nov. 5

- 0900-0930 Cetkovic: Use of Technology to Create a View
- 0945-1015 Ikegami/Ruggero: Social and Political Activism in Second Life
- 1030-1100 Capucci: The Sensible Reality Between Obviousness and Uncertainty
- 1115-1145 Rennie: Real-eye-ising the Miniature
- 1200-1230 Jahrmann (Guest Speaker): Chindogus as Erotic Toys: Pleasure, Play, and Consciousness Beyond Materialism

- 1400-1445 Luna: Keynote
- 1500-1530 Artifist: Neurospace Consciousness
- 1545-1615 Fragoso: Art, Technology and Native Traditional Cultures
- 1630-1700 Simeone: Crossing the Boundaries of Sacred Worlds
- 1715-1745 Slattery (Guest Speaker): Ecstatic Significations: Psychedelics, Language, and Realities

- 0920-0950 Payne: The Invocation of our Polyrhytmic Reality
- 1005-1035 Grant: Noise: Networks, Sensation, Experience
- 1050-1120 Girão: Intregative Art - The Wonders of Bioelectromagnetic Modulation
- 1135-1205 Tresilian: Making Reality More Real; The Human Starling
- 1220-1250 Phillips: Really? The Incomprehensible Truth

- 1520-1550 Andrasiunas: Formalisation of Language and Artistic Code
- 1605-1635 Gabriel: Mobile Tagging as Tool for Mixed Realities
- 1650-1720 Nardelli: A Software Based Installation to Assist Self-Reflection
- 1735-1805 Andreea: Agenda for an Innovative Assessment Technique
- 1830-1915 Vesna: Keynote

- 0910-0940 Albuquerque: Art as Knowledge: Internet Art
- 0955-1025 Fielder/Kessler: The Text That Reads Wolf
- 1040-1110 Gwilt: Compumorphic Art - The Computer as Muse
- 1125-1155 Plank: The Cognitive User of Architecture
- 1210-1240 Fu/Sim: Viewership of Online Peer-Shared Content

Saturday Nov. 6

- 0900-0945 Malina: Keynote
- 1000-1030 Earhar: The Cloudy Self and the Evolution of Consciousness
- 1045-1115 Aguilera: An Evolving Thought
- 1130-1200 Cox: Over-identifying with Really Existing Social Media
- 1215-1245 Lancaster: The Real Dirt on Soil and Location

- 1400-1445 Nakatsu: Keynote
- 1500-1530 Anker: On Light - and the Flux of Informative Events in Nature and Technologies
- 1545-1615 Harrison: Real-ising the Virtual
- 1630-1700 Suvajdzic: Cultural Roles and Identity - An Interactive Upgrade
- 1715-1745 Sermon: Liberate your Avatar: The Revolution will be Social

- 1005-1035 Jacques: Can You Catch My Drift? The Potential of Information in Developing Consciousness
- 1050-1120 Sebring: Picture Pathways as Threads through the Levels of Reality
- 1135-1205 LaRocca: Mnemonic Narratives: The Miniature
- 1220-1250 Anders (Guest Speaker): Transcribing the Impossible

- 1520-1550 Kanary: Hallucinations, an Existential Crisis?
- 1605-1635 Ryu: Ritual Objects: Parting on Z
- 1650-1720 Schleiner: divination 2.0
- 1735-1805 Heinrich: Constructing Realities Through Times
- 1815-1900 Gangvik/Ascott: Closing Session




Conference Participants:
- NOK 1600/ Euro 200,-

Students and Forum Nidrosiae members*:
- Option 1)
NOK 400/ Euro 50,- includes all registration entitlements (see below)
- Option 2)
NOK 10 / Euro 1,- donation: FREE conference pass! (NB! NO freebies, NO seating prioritization!)


Conference Participants:
- NOK 640/ Euro 80,-

Students and Forum Nidrosiae members*:
- NOK 180/ Euro 22,- :


All full-paying delegates are entitled to:
- Admission to all Public Lectures and Panels
- Conference kit including all publications, information on the conference
- Refreshments during the conference

* Student ID or Nidrosiae membership card required for registration



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"Do the Digital"

Follow link below to YouTube Video

UCR does "The Digital"-New Dance Moves

-Cool challenge to anybody: "do an original move"
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I wonder...
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Matthew Prest draws on installation and performance art to create work. His practice is multi-disciplined and the form shifts from project to project. At the heart of his work is the question of what is the experience for the audience, creating a world in which the audience's senses are heightened.


© Jorge de Araujo

He works in collaboration with a group of artists, with a cross over between roles and disciplines. Previous collaborators include: Clare Britton, Danny Egger, James Brown, Hallie Shellam, Janie Gibson, Eddie Sharp, Halcyon Macleod.


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The Tent 2008

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Africa (My Darling Patricia) 2009

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